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Honoring Vietnam veterans 50 years later

Newswatch 16's Emily Kress shows us how one Vietnam veteran from Lackawanna County is sharing his story with the younger generations.

SCRANTON, Pa. — Douglas Batzel is a United States Air Force veteran who served from 1963 to 1971.

The Madison Township native spent the morning at Lutheran Academy in Scranton for Vietnam War Veterans Day, telling the students stories and showing photos of his time in the Vietnam war.

"It was my war to fight. My uncles all went to World War II and Korea. Vietnam was mine, so I went, and it was traumatic," Batzel said.

Every year, March 29 is designated as National Vietnam War Veterans Day to honor those who served.

"We may not have understood why the war was going on or even who the players were in the war, but it's important to know Americans stepped up and did what they were asked to do, and we didn't run away."

Batzel answered questions from students during his talk. He hopes they learned something about a part of our nation's history, even though it was 50 years ago.

"They are so far removed from it. They talk to me about it, but it is hard for them to understand just what was going on."

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