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Surge in demand for orange t-shirts as folks show support for Jersey Shore player

A graphic design store in South Williamsport found out just how strong that support is as orders for orange t-shirts poured in.

SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — It's been one week since Jersey Shore Area football player Max Engle collapsed in the final moments of last Friday's game. In the days since, people all over northeastern and central Pennsylvania have rallied around Max, his family, and his teammates. Many high school football stadiums are expected to be filled with orange this weekend.

John Yogodzinski owns The Graphic Hive, a marketing agency in South Williamsport. The company specializes in screen printing and often prints shirts for fundraisers. Yogodzinski came up with this design to raise money for the Engle family.

"I saw a need because everyone wanted to wear orange. Rather than just having an orange pumpkin shirt, why not have something that relates to the bulldogs and the student?" Yogodzinski said. "I thought we'd sell maybe 20 shirts or something like that, so before I left for the day yesterday, I ordered some blanks from my distributor."

He should have ordered more.

"When I came in this morning, there were like 50 shirts that we had to print, and I didn't order 50 shirts! So, I found myself running all over Lycoming County and couldn't find an orange shirt to save my life."

Yogodzinski improvised with some orange-ish shirts.

"It might be an autumn or a burnt orange or a Texas orange, just so the parents and the kids can wear them at tonight's game."

Yogodzinski plans to order more orange t-shirts from his distributor and will continue the fundraiser, with proceeds going to the Engle family.

Check out WNEP's YouTube channel. 

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