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New Sheetz planned for Wyoming

While the ongoing battle over our favorite gas station continues, Sheetz is expanding again. The Altoona-based chain is adding an eighth location in Luzerne County.

WYOMING, Pa. — Mary Sakosky of Exeter believes she speaks for everyone who lives along Route 11 in Luzerne County's Wyoming Valley.

"We need some more businesses. All we have is pizza."

So when she heard Sheetz is planning to open a location across the street from her nail salon on Wyoming Avenue in Wyoming, she was thrilled.

"It's a good spot. They have lots of room. You know, you don't have to worry about being too close to anything else," Sakosky said.

"A lot more people spending money at businesses, drawing eyes to the town. It's a pretty quiet place. Januzzi's has been closed there. That's now apartments. Lost one business; I'm happy to have one replace it," said business owner Jared Mazurkivich.

Folks in the neighborhood think Sheetz could be good for commerce in the area but have some traffic concerns, especially for pedestrians. The crosswalk lines are faded, and the push button to cross the street doesn't work.

Others hope those issues will be addressed during construction.

"I'm sure they'll take care of this whole section," Sakosky said.

"The one mini-mart that opened on the corner of Eighth and Susquehanna, people had the same complaints when that opened, but now everybody loves it. So, you know, shouldn't be a problem in the long run," Mazurkivich said.

A representative from Sheetz would only tell Newswatch 16 that the company is planning to build a store at 223 Wyoming Avenue. They say it is too early to tell us when construction will start or when the new Sheetz will open.

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