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Three candidates battle over senate

Three Republican candidates have separated themselves from the pack in the race for a party nomination, hoping to become Pennsylvania's next U.S. Senator.

LACKAWANNA COUNTY, Pa. — Early Tuesday morning, voters will start pouring into precincts to cast their ballots in the primary elections.

A shot at a U.S. Senate seat is on the line, and it's shaping up to be a three-way race. The Republican candidates are looking for a nomination and a chance to fill Pat Toomey's shoes. 

It's crunch time in Pennsylvania's race for U.S. Senate, and three front-running Republican candidates are eyeing a nomination. 

The most recent polls show Dr. Mehmet Oz in the lead, trailed closely by Kathy Barnette and David McCormick. A former television personality, Dr. Oz, increased his lead in recent days, receiving an endorsement from President Trump. He's positioned himself as an anti-establishment candidate.

"I'm going to go in there knowing exactly how to fight back against folks on the far left of the spectrum who tend to win in these battles. The reason I can pledge to do that is I have been doing it on your screens in your living rooms for thirteen years, every single day. I know how to fight on the big stage against folks who have powerful allies. I know how to stand up for myself and become a porcupine when I have to," said Dr. Mehmet Oz, a Republican U.S. Senate Candidate.

Dave McCormick chose his alma mater, Bloomsburg High School, as the site for one of his final appearances ahead of election day. Polls show the Veteran and investment firm CEO is in third, but the margins are still slim. McCormick says this race could decide the direction of the country. 

"It matters who you pick. It matters who you pick for president, and it matters who you pick for a senate seat. In fact, I'm going to say this is the most important -- big statement -- the most important election you will vote in, in your life as a Pennsylvanian," said David McCormick, a Republican U.S. Senate Candidate.

Kathy Barnette took the stage at the Radisson in Scranton in the midst of an unlikely surge in support. 

Barnette's numbers are up in recent days despite multiple outlets uncovering what some are calling Islamaphobic Tweets. Barnette defended herself, saying her opponents have been 'mud-slinging.'

"Taking viral videos, putting it on YouTube, naming it 'epic takedown' when it's not, raising money for their own causes. How many of you would like to have an elected official who actually walks into D.C. and their only focus is you," said Kathy Barnette, a Republican U.S. Senate Candidate.

This race is shaping up to be a close one. According to the latest poll from Emerson, Dr. Oz is ahead of Barnette by five points. McCormick trails Barnette by just three points. 

The candidates have made their case, now it's time for you to decide. 

Check out WNEP’s YouTube page.   

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