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Dinosaurs take over Union County

This weekend is Dino Days at Clyde Peeling's Reptiland near Allenwood.

UNION COUNTY, Pa. — There's a prehistoric party this weekend at Clyde Peeling's Reptiland near Allenwood. 

Dino Days is a weekend dedicated to dinosaurs, inviting you to take a step back in time.

"Kids love dinosaurs but also adults.  And the professors we have answer questions ranging from what did this eat to extremely in-depth questions from adults, so it is just a great time," Kathryn Allen said.

In addition to the regular happenings at the zoo, Dino Days feature a fossil prep station, a Komodo Dragon carcass feed, and guided dino tours. 

Dr. Alan Gishlick is a Paleontologist from Bloomsburg University.  He brought fossils for people to see and touch.

"I think any time you have a chance to interact with actual material and the people who study it, you have a chance to learn in a way that you were if you were reading a book because it's an interactive experience," Dr. Alan Gishlick said.

Victor the Velociraptor roamed around the zoo, posing for pictures with children.

"We talked about Dino Days all morning, so they wanted to come and see the dinosaurs," David Peterson said.

"They are big dinosaur fans, so I looked to see.  And he loves snakes.  When I looked to see about Clyde Peeling's, I saw it was Dino Days too, so I was super excited," Michelle Debernardi said.

Dino Days run through Sunday at Clyde Peeling's Reptiland.

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