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Warrior Yard Sale repurposes campus clutter, aids food pantry

Newswatch 16's Amanda Eustice shows us what's up for sale at East Stroudsburg University's Warrior Yard Sale.

EAST STROUDSBURG, Pa. — From clothing to cleaning supplies to bedding, a storage unit on the campus of East Stroudsburg University is filled with stuff students no longer want.

It all goes up for sale at ESU's Warrior Yard Sale this weekend.

"Small refrigerators, TV screens, coffee makers, office supplies, home decorating, office organizing things. The items were donated from the ESU students when they moved out in May," said Maria Cohen, coordinator of the yard sale.

There are more items than ever before after organizers expanded their collection to two apartment buildings on campus.

The sale started three years ago to repurpose and reuse items in good condition.

"For us and this project, it's really important to try and capture some of the items that would otherwise go into the landfill and make sure they get to a home to use them or a place that could use them, whether that's on campus or in our community," said Lauren Stemler, the recycling committee chair.

Hundreds of items are for sale, and all the money raised goes back to helping students on campus through the Warrior Food Pantry.

"(The pantry) helps students who just need some food. There are lots of reasons why that might happen, and this is a way of Warriors giving back to other Warriors in the community, which is a really important part of our university," Stemler said.

Many of the items cost a couple of bucks, but there are some bigger ticket items, including TVs, microwaves, and coffee machines.

If you need a reason to come out and shop, organizers have one.

"You'll find great deals. But also, it's helping others, like, it helps our students who would be in need, but also, it's reusing reusable items," Cohen said.

The sale is Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at ESU's College Circle. Organizers say everything must go.

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