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Lycoming County teen reopens ice cream stand

A Lycoming County teen hits the books during the day and runs her ice cream business during the evening at just 16 years old.

MUNCY, Pa. — Kaydins Kones sits on Route 220 in Muncy Township. It was formerly Cody's Creamery.  

Kaydins Osman, a sophomore at Hughesville Senior High School, decided to reopen the ice cream stand after hearing the Reed family would not be opening again this year.

"We wanted to keep it going," Osman said. "It started out as a joke, actually, and then my dad actually reached out to him if we could rent it off of him, so that's what we're doing now; we just changed the name."

The ice cream stand opened on May 4. Osman works at the ice cream stand after school. She's also involved in many afterschool activities, including volleyball, cheerleading, community service club, and spirit club.

"Basically, I just do my work in free time in class, and then, if I have time, finish stuff. I'll finish it here or at home when I'm done, but yeah, it's not too hard to balance it," said Osman.

Since opening the ice cream stand, many of her friends, family, and community members have been supportive of Osman.

"A lot of my classmates were pretty encouraging about it, and they've been like, 'Oh, I'm going to stop and get ice cream.' And I've seen a lot of classmates here already," said Osman.

Osman says she couldn't have reopened the ice cream stand without the help of her parents and the Reed family.

"I'm very appreciative of my parents for helping me out and for the Reeds because they have done a lot for us setting up, giving us a base for everything, who to contact for things, all of that stuff."

Kaydins Kone's spring hours are Monday through Friday, 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., and noon to 9 p.m. on the weekends. Hours might be extended for the summer.

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