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Honoring those who served in Carbon County

A community in Ashfield started Memorial Day weekend unveiling a new veteran memorial stone to honor those who served.

ASHFIELD, Pa. — Ashfield Playground in Carbon County started the Memorial weekend on Saturday by unveiling a new veteran memorial stone in honor of those who serve and have served. 

Secretary of Ashfield playground committee, Sessa Lenhardt, comes from a long line of those who have served.   

"So I know it's been something we've been talking about for a long time. My grandmother, before she passed away, was the president. She always wanted to do the flags on the poles throughout the town, but it never happened. So it's always been something we want to do; we love our service men and women, and we appreciate everything they do for our country," said Lenhardt.

A year ago, a committee member brought up the idea of putting the stone in. Something Lenhardt says her grandmother would have loved. 

"So it always touches one person that you know they're touched some way. Whether it's a friend, a colleague, or just an acquaintance that they pass on the street, and I'm pretty sure we all feel that within our committee. So it just means a lot to be able to put something here for those in our small little town to recognize all the sacrifices that they've made," added Lenhardt.

This act touched the heart of Carol Kern, who lost her husband last year.

"My husband was stationed in Germany, and he was military police at that time. I wanted very much to be part of something and also have him be part of something, too," said Kern. 

The words on the stone were part of something bigger as well. They are words Lendhart remembers hearing from Lehighton American Legion Commander Kevin Long. 

"For us, it really hits home because of all the people that we have served with, and some of us have known and have given their life in defense of this country, and you know that's so important and to have this here as a lasting memorial here that will be here, and it's always a reminder when people come and use this playground that, this is why we can be here, and we can assemble here and recreate and that's what it's all about," said Commander Long.

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