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Grief camp helps kids deal with loss

Guthrie's Good Grief Day Camp's mission is to help children who have experienced grief due to a death in the family.

WYSOX, Pa. — Guthrie's Good Grief Day Camp in Wysox has seen more than twenty years of campers with life-altering stories to tell.

Its mission is to help children who have experienced grief due to a death in the family.

"My dad passed away in 2018 and it was really hard time. Then, I think, a year or two after, my mom heard about the camp through the hospital and was like, 'I think I want you guys to go make new friends,'" said Mackenzie Kolbeck of Wyalusing. "Now there are other people that I've been through the same thing."

The campers spend three days surrounded by others who share similar stories.

They play games, do arts and crafts, and listen to music.

The camp is free thanks to financial support from the Bradford/Sullivan Counties Office of Mental Health and Guthrie Hospice. 

"Bringing the children together really helps them understand that they are not alone. There's people here for support they can talk to other children talk about what they're feeling," said Anja Miller, Guthrie Hospice Director.

"For the past years we've been reaching out to guidance counselors teachers in school districts as well as local companies and just letting them know that this is out there," added Krystal Jennings, Guthrie Hospice Social Worker.

Abigail Rice came to the Grief camp 10 years ago after the death of her great grandfather.

Since then she has returned as a Junior Grief Counselor to support other young people who are just beginning to take the first steps to understanding their emotions.

"I think we even kids need a community that relates to them and can also help them through those feelings and I think a big part is expressing feelings," Rice said.

If you're interested in learning more about the Good Grief Day Camp run through Guthrie Hospice CLICK HERE.

Check out WNEP’s YouTube channel.

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