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Nationwide recall issued for WanaBana fruit pouches after "extremely high concentrations of lead" found

The fruit puree pouches were sold nationwide at several major retailers including Sam's Club, Dollar Tree and Amazon.

WASHINGTON — If you buy fruit puree pouches for your toddler to snack on, you should check the brand to see if the products are part of a nationwide recall issued because of high lead levels.

According to the FDA, all WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches have been recalled by the manufacturer after "extremely high concentrations of lead" were found in several tested products. 

The fruit puree pouches were sold nationwide at several major retailers including Sam's Club, Dollar Tree and online through Amazon. 

The recall covers all of the company's apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches, regardless of their expiration date or lot number. 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said in an alert that it became aware of the issue after the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services launched an investigation into reports of four children with elevated blood lead levels. 

The children had symptoms of acute lead toxicity and the WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches were identified as a common factor shared by all the children, according to regulators.  

The FDA said in its public health alert that parents and caregivers of toddlers and young children who may have consumed the recalled pouches should contact their child’s doctor about getting a blood test. 

Credit: FDA
All WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches have been recalled because of lead contamination.

Lead is a toxic heavy metal that has been connected with a number of health risks when ingested, especially in young children. Exposure to high levels of lead can lead to a variety of symptoms, including headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting and anemia. 

Long-term exposure can lead to irritability, lethargy, fatigue, muscle aches, constipation, difficulty concentrating, tremors and weight loss. 

Even low levels of lead exposure can lead to pronounced effects in developing children, according to the FDA. Lead toxicity can lead to problems with behavior and learning, lower IQ and hearing problems. 

Although there are many long-term health risks associated with lead, most children who ingest the metal have no obvious immediate symptoms. Health officials say that if there is any suspicion that a child has been exposed to lead, their parents should talk with a healthcare professional about getting a blood test. 

The FDA did not indicate how many pouches are being recalled, but said they were working with state health officials to remove them from the market. 

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