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Who to contact if you see a mink

A hotline has been created for residents to report mink sightings after thousands are released from a Pennsylvania fur farm.

NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — Animal experts are warning people in Northumberland County after thousands of minks were released from a fur farm.

According to state police, in the early hours of Sunday morning, someone broke into a mink farm along Route 890 in Rockefeller Township, south of Sunbury. Whoever broke in cut holes in the fencing and opened up all the cages.

"Approximately 7,000 escaped (from) the facility. Now, how many that got outside the fenced area, we don't know, but it was a sizable number from our estimation," said Pennsylvania Game Warden Mike Workman.

Thousands of mink are now roaming a section of Northumberland County. All mink released were bred in captivity and may be different from those found in the wild.

Here's who to contact if you see a mink

Northumberland County established a phone line for residents to call to report a loose mink found on their property. That number is 570-988-4217.

If residents catch a mink in a trap, they should take the mink to Sunbury Animal Hospital, 3920 state Route 890, Sunbury.

Dead minks should be reported to the Pennsylvania Game Commission at 833-742-4868 (833-PGC-HUNT) or 833-742-9453 (833-PGC-WILD).

Live minks can be dangerous and may bite residents. Authorities are advising residents not to approach or attempt to catch minks without a safe and proper trap.

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