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March for Life held in East Stroudsburg

A group of churchgoers in Monroe County held their own March for Life. The annual event, normally held in D.C. is being done virtually because of the pandemic.

EAST STROUDSBURG, Pa. — In a sea of hats, gloves, and warm coats, dozens of people were marching for the same cause.

A March for Life event kicked off outside of St. Matthew's Church in East Stroudsburg.

"We are marching for the cancellation of abortion, hopefully. We are trying to get people's opinions about it and hopefully teach others that abortion is wrong. Life is life, and everyone needs to understand that. Life isn't something to be toyed with," said Andrew Lafiura, Brodheadsville.

The March for Life is an annual rally and march protesting abortion. It's normally held in Washington, D.C., but because of the pandemic and in light of recent riots at the Capitol, the major event is being held virtually this year.

These churchgoers decided to hold their own, marching around neighborhoods in the borough.

Kyli Ramsay from Brodheadsville has been marching to end abortion since she was in 7th grade.

"We need to support the unborn because they are important and they are life. It's also about the mothers too and supporting them in making the right decision and feeling comfortable and safe in their decision as well and not alone because they aren't in this world. No one is alone. Our faith teaches us that, and we want to spread it," said Kyli Ramsay.

While the group is upset that they can't make their voices heard in D.C., they are happy to be able to hold the march right here at home.

"We are here, and we are grateful and at least that it's not snowing. Even though it is cold, we are still trying to make an effort here, and we are having fun," said Leeangie Marte, East Stroudsburg.

Held virtually or held in a different way, this is the 48th March for Life.

The annual event coincides with the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

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