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Large mask donation helps students from The Scranton School for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children head back to class

Thanks to the community, students were able to return to class to The Scranton School for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children.

LACKAWANNA COUNTY, Pa. — They are back to class and grateful for the support.

Students have returned to The Scranton School for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children near Clarks Summit.

“It’s been a lot of hard work, but we’re so excited to have them back!” said Principal Dean Pettinato.

A few months ago, school officials were worried.

They wanted and needed clear masks and shields for the staff and students here, but there were not many available.

That equipment is especially helpful for the deaf and hard of hearing.

“It’s really important, we have found that it makes a really big difference with the kids, yes. It’s not as scary to them, they can see what we’re saying, so it’s really, really been helpful," said school nurse Mary Butler.

School officials asked for help finding what they needed, and people responded by making and donating about 300 masks and shields, too.

“The response was so amazing and kind of shocking too. We weren’t expecting all the contacts from the local communities, plus we had calls from Florida, calls from Washington state, and you know the news just really got out," said school director Kevin McDonough.

Having a clear mask or face shield for their kids is something parents said they really appreciate.

“This is so important for the kids to be able to see facial expressions and read lips. I know my daughter reads lips really, really well. So for the community to have donated all this equipment for their education, you know it’s so important for their success," said mom Lisa Lopatofsky of Waymart.

The teachers and staff said they are hopeful these masks and shields keep everyone safe, healthy, and happy and that this year is a great one.

Some of us didn’t think this was going to happen, but it’s really exciting to see the buses line up and students coming," said McDonough.

RELATED: At Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, a search for special masks

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