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'Pay it forward and help people' – Archbald officer aids elderly resident with yard work

Police officers not only help fight crime, but they also help people in need. In Lackawanna County, one sergeant's act of kindness on a hot day is going viral.

ARCHBALD, Pa. — It's said a picture is worth a thousand words, or in this case, a thousand likes on Facebook.

"I was really tired. I could just about stand up," said Archbald resident Bill Fuller. "And the lady cop stopped and started pushing the lawnmower for me."

Bill Fuller, age 94, braved the heat to mow the lawn, a task many of us take for granted.

"Who's going to do it? (My wife's) too old, she doesn't want to help me."

Fuller wasn't about to ask his wife to help push. So, he suffered through it until Sgt. Jamie Trently with the Archbald Police Department stepped in. She was parked in the area, looking for traffic violators.

"He was walking with a lawnmower and had a cane in his hand. And it was hot for me. I can't imagine how it was for him; he was a little older," Sgt. Trently said.

It was an act of kindness that made Fuller's heart full.

"All I could do was thank her. I didn't have any money to give her," Fuller said.

But money is the last thing on Sgt. Trently's mind.

"Traffic enforcement, arresting people is only a small part of the job. These are the things that people don't see often. We're there to help people in their time of need, and he was in need, so that's what we do."

Sgt. Trently's selfless act leaves Bill Fuller forever grateful.

"She's really something. She really helped me out that day," Bill said.

"Hopefully, people will pay it forward and help people. I was raised to respect and help my elderly and people in need, and someday I might need that help," Sgt. Trently added.

Someone in the neighborhood has stepped up to help Mr. Fuller mow his lawn in the future.

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