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Local delegates prepare to virtually attend Democratic National Convention

Delegates to the Democratic National Convention will watch the event from home this year using virtual platforms to speak to colleagues and the American people.

SCRANTON, Pa. — Delegates to the Democratic National Convention will watch the event from home this year using virtual platforms to speak to their colleagues and the American people.

"There's nothing that could replace that balloon drop and the excitement of being inside that area, but, the big picture is November," said Evie Rafalko McNulty, superdelegate.

Some local delegates agree that coronavirus mitigation and job creation are among the most important topics.

"The only person you'll hear bragging that the economy is doing well is Donald Trump," said Jimmy Connors, Democratic Delegate to the National Convention.

The four-day convention wraps up Thursday with Joe Biden expected to formally accept his slug on the ballot.

"Joe Biden who will go in there with Scranton values. He has empathy for the people, and he cares," said Connors.

President Trump is scheduled to land in our area. and is expected to speak in Old Forge just hours ahead of Biden's nomination

The delegates we spoke with all agree that by appearing outside of Scranton - Joe Biden's hometown - on Thursday, President Trump is highlighting our area as a battlefield for votes in the 2020 presidential race.

"I don't believe that If Joe Biden were accepting the nomination and lived in Boston, or grew up in Boston that he'd be coming here. I think it's to try and deflate the energy and the excitement here which it isn't going to do," said Rafalko McNulty.

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